Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Democracy

Political ideology panders to the imagination very much like pundits persuade the intellectually meek and corruptible. I imagine the efforts of a candidate. He or she boldly delivers unabashed honesty and everyone recognizes it as such. My vote is clear and crisp. It is a mountainous lake in the summer and I dive into its refreshing body to immerse myself in certainty. The waters and my choice are clear. People stand up and voice their political outrage frighteningly loud, only here they are heard. Their chorus reverberates in my chest and gives me resolution.

But this is not our reality in America. It is the true ideology of democracy: the governmental process we long for and will never have.

The truth is that my vote is no longer based on the most qualified or inspirational, but the most laudably deplorable. This vote is no longer about who has the best policy or rhetoric, endorsement or campaign, but has developed into who has the most egregious affronts. Senator John McCain has insinuatingly or directly accused Senator Barrack Obama of being a terrorist, socialist, and novice more frequently than eliciting his own presidential qualifications. Even after bombastic displays of absolute ignorant hatred from his supporters, even after his campaign fell afoul with its own aforementioned disseminations, even after his campaign declared a new tactic to avoid further entanglement with such negativism, Mr. McCain continues his recklessly slanderous and divisive campaigning. Perhaps this is the point of no return. Whatever the truth may be, it is not coming from Mr. McCain's mouth.

I no longer will vote for Obama because of qualifications, but because of the verbal assaults on humanity committed by the McCain campaign. If you doubt he will follow the status quo, then listen to how he speaks about his adversary. Even after death threats of an abhorrent nature, Mr. McCain refuses to halt his and his running mate's volatile logorrhea.

I'm voting for Obama because I unfathomably disapprove of McCain.Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Indepence that 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness' are 'inalienable rights'. But, like happiness, democracy is never a destination that is reached. It is a process of traveling that we must embrace in order to better understand ourselves and realize our wildest political, ideological panderings.

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